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Now that you have your Checklist, you now have everything you need to see if you are ready to submit your manuscript!
But...You may want to progress even faster, and get started right away polishing your query with an insider's eye.
If you feel like this and want a quick shortcut, then I’d like to show you one right now.
In the next few minutes, I'll show you the easiest way to start revising your query from one of the most crucial and least understood viewpoints, an acquiring editor’s, and how to make sure you've got everything you need before you submit another query!
I know that sounds crazy, and if you give me a few minutes to explain, I’ll prove it is true.
My name is Madeline Smoot, and I have been writing, editing and traditional and self-publishing since before 2008 and I know how confusing and difficult publishing can be if you don’t have the insiders list of what agents and editors are really looking for.
I’m here to tell you about:
The Complete Submissions Formula™
A simple formula can have you crafting your submission with an insider's eye so you can finally submit with confidence!
Clear Checklists & Simple Questions
No Guess Work – Simplify Your Submissions Process
Master submissions and you can build up your library fast.
You’re on the way to submissions mastery when:
1) You know WHAT publishers are looking for in your QUERY. And;
2) You know HOW to make your query engaging, informative and leaving them wanting MORE.
Just imagine, your books are getting better. Your following is growing. And every year you are making a bigger impact with your writing business... but only if you have the insider checklists and formulas to what publishers and readers want.
I've got a lot of experience as a professional publisher. But I've found a way to help more writers see their books published by sharing the insider checklists and formulas that I use for myself and now my authors.
For years, I learned and wrote and edited by "the rules" of traditional publishing houses until I had them cold. But it was then I realized that a lot of manuscripts coming across my desk simply didn't have the advantage of knowing exactly what publishers needed to say YES to their manuscript.
Now, I'm sharing these secrets with you, with my newest handbook, “The Complete Submissions Formula™”
Until now, you've likely thought that submitting your queries with confidence was either something you've got or something you don't.
The Complete Submissions Formula™ uses a combination of simple checklists and questionnaires that you can apply to any manuscript – either novels or picture books – to not only see if you've got a Submission you can be confident in, but to know where to fix it if you don't! This eliminates guess work.
I use “Complete Submissions Formula™” with each and every query I review for myself and my authors.
And The Complete Submissions Formula™ is one of my most dependable, go-to strategies for spotting issues in a query before they go out.
If you’re experienced, you’ll be up and running in an hour. If you’re a beginner, it may take longer.
Either way... The Complete Submissions Formula™ is one of the most powerful tools in my arsenal of revising strategies. If your goal is to send queries out with more confidence, The Complete Submissions Formula™ is for you.
The Complete Submissions Formula™ sells for $97.
But because you downloaded my checklist and are obviously interested in developing your skills so you can publish easier and faster, you can get it right now for only $7.
5 Good Reasons The Complete Submissions Formula™...
Will Become Your Favorite Querying Tool:
Simple Checklists
When prepping your Queries and Manuscript Submissions with The Complete Submissions Formula™ there’s no second-guessing ever. You either have the elements your query needs … or you don’t.
Simple Questionnaires
When working with The Complete Submissions Formula™ you’ll know what questions to answer that will provide agents and editors with the information they need! Agents and Editors know what they are looking for in a query, and now you will too. No more guess-work!
Take advantage of my insider experience
Unless you've worked in a publishing house yourself, you can't possibly expect yourself to know what they are looking for by trying to reverse engineer it from sample query letters online. That's why I'm finally bringing my inside knowledge to writers, so you can have the advantage. The Complete Submissions Formula™ lets you take advantage of my submissions formula.
Easy to Learn - Easy to Understand - Easy to Do
You can learn The Complete Submissions Formula™ in less than 60 minutes and use it right away. This makes it the perfect revising tool for beginners and experts alike!
Eliminates Fear & Uncertainty
Until now, you've likely thought that submitting your query with confidence was either something you've got or something you don't. The Complete Submissions Formula™ uses a simple formula that you can apply to any query to not only submit with confidence, but to know where to fix it if you are feeling unsure! This eliminates guess work. And ends one of the biggest problems writers face, which is writing a query based on guesswork rather than on the facts of what editors need to see in your submission.
I use The Complete Submissions Formula™ with practically every query review I do for authors. Once you see how easy it is, The Complete Submissions Formula™ may become your favorite querying tool too.
Here's What You Get
The Complete Submissions Formula™ training gives you everything you need to understand this tool and use it to help you have confidence in your query.
Your eBook will be available instantly. You can access it from any device with an Internet connection from anywhere in the world.
IMPORTANT: It’s important you know every submission, including every query that uses The Complete Submissions Formula, may NOT be end up represented by an agent or acquired by a publisher. Even with our system ... not every book is picked up. There are many factors involved.
We do well because we have simple CHECKLISTS to make sure everything is right there, easy for the agents and editors to see...
We do well because we have simple QUESTIONNAIRES to help you create the items you need for your submission.
And we do well because we simply have been on the inside and know what they are looking for and have systematized our submissions and publishing based on that insider knowledge.
This is the key!
Get the insider knowledge, develop your writing skills, and while not every manuscript will be published or picked up by an agent... I believe if you never give up and keep improving, you can get your manuscript to market, even if it’s not through traditional ways.
The Complete Submissions Formula™ can help you reach your goals faster and easier.
So experience the genius!
Read the eBook.
Use The Complete Submissions Formula™
And see how simple it is for yourself.
Do this and I believe you’ll be so happy with your results... you’ll want every tool we offer.
And if that’s the case... you may want to upgrade to The Revise2Publish System™ where you get access to many more Insider Revising formulas and tools that you can use right away to bring your manuscript to market faster.
And that’s it!
No fine print. No “hidden trials”. No re-occurring fees. No shenanigans. Just $7. And you get a powerful submissions formula that will help you finally submit with confidence!
The Next Step...
Just complete the form below and I'll see you on the other side.
The Complete Submissions Formula™ - A Powerful Revising Formula for Beginner to Expert Writers
Instant Online Access PLUS Downloadable PDF Version Of This Formula
Here's What You Get:
You get everything you need to know to make sure your query is spot on to get your manuscript to market much faster including:
How to apply the formula to your query – from a children’s novel to a picture book
How to keep your query focussed on the things editors actually need to see
The 4 Question Query Letter
The 7 Question Synopsis
The 11 Question Manuscript Submission
How to format everything properly so that the agent or editor is easily able to read every word
We’ll take the Submission Process from abstract to concrete together so you can submit with confidence faster!
And much, much more!
No Risk Iron-Clad
100% Satisfaction Guarantee
Take action now, use the complete package for 90 days, wear the tires off the system, if you aren’t 100% satisfied with Your investment, then I’ll give you your money back.
This is because I know once you use this Proven system, you’ll see powerful results
The Complete Submissions Formula™ - A Powerful Revising Formula for Beginner to Expert Writers
Instant Online Access PLUS Downloadable PDF Version Of This Formula
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